Berkeley Method of Hot Composting

  • Roots

Developed at the University of California in the 1950s, the Berkeley method is one of the most famous hot composting methods. It was designed to maximize heat and speed, with compost being produced in 14-21 days, and is similar to methods used by some commercial composters. Just some of the key benefits of hot composting is that its ready  within 21 days, it kills most plant diseases, weeds and their seeds and collected composting is reduced more quickly than the cold composting method.

With the hot composting method you can produce compost continuously as required for your garden requirements. It assists in maintaining good soil texture and a broad spectrum of beneficial  biota in your garden throughout the year, regardless of the season. Adding compost to  your soil increases water retention. By  adding just 1% compost  back into your soil  it will retain approximately 50 litres of water per cubic metre soil.  Making your own compost is more cost effective than adding soil wetting agents  plus  a higher nutrient level and  good biota are returned to the soil. 

Composting builds soil structure & increases moisture retention & beneficial  soil microbes

In summary the key requirements are;

  • The height, width and length of the compost heap should each be a minimum of 1 cubic metre to avoid heat loss 
  • Compost materials need to be shredded so that the size is between 1.25cm - 3.8cm (1/2 to 1-1/2 inches)
  • Woody materials should be put through a shredder.  The compost heap should have a carbon to nitrogen ratio of 25 to 30:1.  Moisture needs to be maintained at about 50%  
  • The pile is built in one session, with nothing added afterward. (Check and maintain moisture while building the compost and then while is de-composing) 
  • The pile must be turned regularly - every 2 days from Day 5 to avoid overheating.  Turn the outside of the pile  into the inside to maximise weed and seed destruction.  

For  further detail see: 

Building a more sustainable garden and preserving the abundant harvest provides a personal option to living  a more environmentally friendly and healthy lifestyle.   We hope you enjoy your journey in making our planet a better place to live, one bite at a time. 

Develop a more abundant harvest  with the hot composting method